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Social Thought

Religion, Truth, and Liberty

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Samuel Gregg, Director of Research at the Acton Institute, delivers the opening plenary lecture of Acton University 2017 at DeVos Place in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. Gregg’s lecture focuses on the very real threats faced by religious believers around the world (and especially in developing nations), and the pressures that are increasing on religious liberty

Human Dignity and American Liberty

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On June 20, 2013, William McGurn, the Editorial Page Editor of The New York Post, delivered a plenary address to participants in Acton University at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Prior to assuming the editorship of the Editorial Page of the New York Post, he was a vice president for News Corporation, where he

A Moral Surprise: The Common Foundation of Christianity and Modern Politics

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Dr. William B. Allen Emeritus Professor of Political Philosophy, Michigan State University. William B. Allen, emeritus professor of Political Philosophy in the Department of Political Science and emeritus dean, James Madison College, at Michigan State University. He served previously on the United States National Council for the Humanities and as Chairman and Member of the