Robert Nisbet: Conservative and Communitarian

Protestant evangelicals are one of the largest and most influential groups in the United States. Evangelicals are known for participating in international adoptions, volunteering in local churches and a host of philanthropic organizations, and mostly for political activism. Despite all of these activities, evangelicals have not changed American culture. Seth Bartee will offer an explanation …
In this fascinating memoir, historian Lee Edwards who knew and worked with Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, and William F. Buckley, Jr. for nearly five decades reveals what motivated these giants of the modern conservative movement—a staunch belief in free enterprise and a love of God. Called “The Voice of the Silent Majority” by the New …
Politicians and pundits are struggling to understand this populist moment. Are a shrinking workforce and a contemptuous, divided culture simply America’s “new normal”? Is free enterprise fundamentally at odds with defending the national interest? Arthur Brooks draws on history and social science to explain these unusual times – and offers a set of strategies, from …
In “The Conservative Heart,” Arthur C. Brooks, the prominent economist and president of AEI — the leading intellectual think tank on the right — offers a bold new vision for conservatism as a movement for social and economic justice. Brooks contends that after years of focusing on economic growth and traditional social values, it is …