Crony Capitalism | Acton On-Demand

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Crony Capitalism

Law, Liberty, and Space

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For decades, the race to space was the domain of the state. Today space is rapidly becoming commercialized, opening vast opportunities for entrepreneurs. The commercialization of space also brings challenges. This panel celebrates the role of the new space entrepreneurs and discusses the legal and philosophical principles which should underlie humanity’s shift from space exploration

Uncle Sam Can’t Count

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Why does federal aid seem to have a reverse Midas touch? Drawing on examples from the nation’s past and present—the fur trade to railroads, cars and chemicals, aviation to Solyndra—Uncle Sam Can’t Count, a sweeping work of conservative economic history that explains why the federal government cannot and should not pick winners and losers in

Is Big Business A Danger to Economic Liberty?

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On April 14, 2015, The Acton Institute and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy jointly hosted Timothy Carney for a lecture on the topic “Is Big Business a Danger to Economic Liberty?” Timothy P. Carney is the senior political columnist at the Washington Examiner, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and the author