Constitution | Acton On-Demand

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Protecting Freedom: Constitutional Collaboration of Church and State

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How is faith reconciled with the formation of a civil government? This panel looks at human history and religious justification for constitutional government and the necessity of collaboration between religious institutions and the state. Humans need religion in order to flourish. Religious institutions are also necessary components of a civl society and recovering from a

William Penn and the Experiment of American Liberty

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There are competing creation “myths” about the origins of American liberty. The Jamestown, Virginia settlers of 1607 have vied with the Pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony in New England for dominance in America’s self-understanding of its origins. In this lecture Alan Crippen argues that these narratives have obscured the role of William Penn and his

The Growth of Leviathan

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Everyone knows that the Federal Government has far transcended the limited role envisioned by the Founders. In this address, retired United States Magistrate Judge Joseph Scoville explores the main events in American Constitutional history responsible for the eclipse of the checks and balances designed to limit federal power.

Judicial Abdication and the Growth of Government

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The fight for the Supreme Court during the presidential campaign has crystalized the importance of judges’ both having the right constitutional theories and being willing to enforce them. Too much “restraint” – like Chief Justice Roberts in the Obamacare cases – has led to the unchecked growth of government, toxic judicial confirmation battles, and even