Freedom | Acton On-Demand

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Freedom and Human Dignity

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Marina Nemat was born in 1965 in Tehran, Iran. After the Islamic Revolution of 1979, she was arrested at the age of sixteen and spent more than two years in Evin, a political prison in Tehran, where she was tortured and came very close to execution. She came to Canada in 1991 and has called

Jimmy Lai’s Extraordinary Struggle For Freedom


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When Hong Kong’s basic freedoms come under attack, media tycoon Jimmy Lai finds himself in the crosshairs of the state and must choose between defending Hong Kong’s long-standing liberties or his own freedom. This conversation with the filmmakers and interview subjects in the Acton Institute’s new documentary feature, THE HONG KONGER: JIMMY LAI’S EXTRAORDINARY STRUGGLE

Mrs. Schneider

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In 1950s Brooklyn, a young boy’s idyllic childhood is changed after a simple interaction with his Jewish neighbor. *** Volume 1 of The Good Society is a 6-part series that that focuses on the intersection between the human person and economics and explores themes of work and creativity, entrepreneurship, and exchange. Each human person is

International Religious Freedom: Politics and Policies (Engage the Speaker AU2021)

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Engage the Speaker Session for “International Religious Freedom: Politics and Policies” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. How and why does the US government promote religious freedom abroad? Is it in America’s interest, or is it just American values? And what are the internal politics of the policy debate? This course will draw not only on

Culture, Education, and Freedom (Engage the Speaker AU2021)

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Engage the Speaker Session for “Culture, Education, and Freedom” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. Understanding the philosophical and theological underpinnings of many of today’s educational institutions and culture is crucial to building new educational ventures that support human freedom in all its dimensions. Although much has been written about ideological influences in education that undermine

Big Tech, Big Government, and Privacy

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The innovations of technology companies have benefited billions across the globe and impacted our lives daily. However, as their dominance and influence grows, some have voiced concern about their business model. Internationally, some governments exploit technology to create a surveillance state. This panel examines the threats of Big Tech and Big Government, the implications for

Freedom of Speech and The Press: Vital Freedoms

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The First Amendment prohibits the government from making any law which abridges freedom of speech or the press. In the recent past, state-funded universities have disinvited commencement speakers, technology companies have shut down accounts, and entire books have been erased from Amazon. This panel examines freedom of speech and freedom of the press in an

Taking Advantage of Freedom: Solzhenitsyn on What to Do with Liberty When You Have It – Engage the Speaker

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While political, economic, and intellectual freedom is a precious gift to humans, our long history shows that we are ready to give it away. Why is that? One answer might be given from the Nobel-Prize-winning Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008): when people don’t understand and use the freedom they have, they will throw it away

Taking Advantage of Freedom: Solzhenitsyn on What to Do w/Liberty When You Have It

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While political, economic, and intellectual freedom is a precious gift to humans, our long history shows that we are ready to give it away. Why is that? One answer might be given from the Nobel-Prize-winning Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008): when people don’t understand and use the freedom they have, they will throw it away

Culture, Education, and Freedom – Engage the Speaker

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Engage the Speaker session for “Culture, Education, and Freedom” Understanding the philosophical and theological underpinnings of many of today’s educational institutions and culture is crucial to building new educational ventures that support human freedom in all its dimensions. Although much has been written about ideological influences in education that undermine commitments to human freedom grounded

Culture, Education, and Freedom

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Understanding the philosophical and theological underpinnings of many of today’s educational institutions and culture is crucial to building new educational ventures that support human freedom in all its dimensions. Although much has been written about ideological influences in education that undermine commitments to human freedom grounded in classical Greek and Judeo-Christian anthropology, less has been

The Birth of Freedom Curriculum: Session 1 – A Civilization without Slaves

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Did you know that the opponents of Christianity have—for centuries—controlled the very terms by which we understand the history of Christianity, arguing that Christianity hobbled the Roman Empire, snuffed out scientific progress, and threw the world into the Dark Ages? Many people don’t even give Christianity a hearing because they think, “Why would I want