Future | Acton On-Demand

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Business, Government, and Economic Progress

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Public policy often shapes markets—for good or for ill. Today many are convinced that much of economic progress is attributable to the raw innovation of the private sector in a free market economy. Others claim an entrepreneurial state is essential to an innovative economy. What are we to make of state-private sector collaboration? Is it

Artificial Intelligence, Religion, and Anthropology

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning brings great promise. But what is artificial intelligence, and how does machine learning differ from human learning? How does religious faith inform our approach to artificial intelligence? What are we to make of transhumanist claims of a merger of humans and machines? This panel examines AI, religion, and anthropology.

Big Tech, Big Government, and Privacy

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The innovations of technology companies have benefited billions across the globe and impacted our lives daily. However, as their dominance and influence grows, some have voiced concern about their business model. Internationally, some governments exploit technology to create a surveillance state. This panel examines the threats of Big Tech and Big Government, the implications for

Law, Liberty, and Space

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For decades, the race to space was the domain of the state. Today space is rapidly becoming commercialized, opening vast opportunities for entrepreneurs. The commercialization of space also brings challenges. This panel celebrates the role of the new space entrepreneurs and discusses the legal and philosophical principles which should underlie humanity’s shift from space exploration