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Capitalists Cultural Critiques of Capitalism – Engage the Speaker

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Adam Smith is known as the founder of economics as well as the father of capitalism. But such characterizations usually miss how essential he thought morality and virtue were to flourishing societies. In fact, Smith’s work on economics is more powerful when read alongside his work on morality: Capitalists benefit from virtue and virtue flourishes

Suicide of the West

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In the great span of human history we are living in the lowest rates of poverty. Over the past 10,000 years humans have materially prospered beyond the scope of that thought to be possible. However, our civilization and environment forms us, and left to our own devices we revert back to barbarianism. Jonah Goldberg explains

Capitalism is About Love

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Is the market economy rooted in greed and self-interest? Jeffrey Tucker argues that these are not the core. Many degrees of love, as traditionally understood, is at the core of what it means to exchange, invent, speculate, and produce. An economy based on love of others cannot neglect the institutions of ownership, exchange, volition, and