Cultural Critiques of Capitalism
Add to favoritesThe Islamic Case for Liberty: Islam and Economic Freedom
Add to favoritesThe Social Responsibility of Business
Add to favoritesNavigating the Supply Chain Crisis
Add to favoritesIntersectionality and the Socialist Temptation with Dr. Elizabeth Corey
Add to favoritesToward a Free and Virtuous Society (Engage the Speaker AU2021)
Add to favoritesEngage the Speaker Session for “Toward a Free and Virtuous Society” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. How do we make a moral account of how society should work? And how concretely can we construct this society? In this documentary-style lecture, Fr. Robert Sirico describes his own intellectual journey towards the belief that a free and …
Reconciling Libertarianism and Concern for the “Common Good”
Add to favoritesThe idea of “the common good” is increasingly being invoked by conservatives such as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson to call for a bigger and more interventionist government. The assumption is that classical liberal values have failed to create the conditions that allow people to flourish. In theory and in practice, these claims could not be …
Reconciling Libertarianism and Concern for the “Common Good” – Engage the Speaker
Add to favoritesThe idea of “the common good” is increasingly being invoked by conservatives such as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson to call for a bigger and more interventionist government. The assumption is that classical liberal values have failed to create the conditions that allow people to flourish. In theory and in practice, these claims could not be …
Adam Smith and the Idea of Virtuous Capitalists – Engage the Speaker
Add to favoritesEngage the Speaker session for “Adam Smith and the Idea of Virtuous Capitalists” Adam Smith is known as the founder of economics as well as the father of capitalism. But such characterizations usually miss how essential he thought morality and virtue were to flourishing societies. In fact, Smith’s work on economics is more powerful when …
Adam Smith and the Idea of Virtuous Capitalists
Add to favoritesCapitalists Cultural Critiques of Capitalism – Engage the Speaker
Add to favoritesAdam Smith is known as the founder of economics as well as the father of capitalism. But such characterizations usually miss how essential he thought morality and virtue were to flourishing societies. In fact, Smith’s work on economics is more powerful when read alongside his work on morality: Capitalists benefit from virtue and virtue flourishes …
Suicide of the West
Add to favoritesIn the great span of human history we are living in the lowest rates of poverty. Over the past 10,000 years humans have materially prospered beyond the scope of that thought to be possible. However, our civilization and environment forms us, and left to our own devices we revert back to barbarianism. Jonah Goldberg explains …
Can a Capitalist Society Also Be a Caring Society
Add to favoritesPope Francis has frequently critiqued capitalism, most famously in his encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. But is it true that a capitalist society cannot also be a society that cares for the environment and the poor? In this lecture, Professor Robert Whaples will cover the strengths of capitalism from an economist’s …
Capitalism is About Love
Add to favoritesIs the market economy rooted in greed and self-interest? Jeffrey Tucker argues that these are not the core. Many degrees of love, as traditionally understood, is at the core of what it means to exchange, invent, speculate, and produce. An economy based on love of others cannot neglect the institutions of ownership, exchange, volition, and …