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Civil Society

Transitional Justice: Civil-Society Solutions For America’s Race History (Engage the Speaker AU2021)

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Engage the Speaker Session for “Transitional Justice: Civil-Society Solutions For America’s Race History” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. Transitional justice is a set of measures and processes adopted to deal with the consequences of human dignity violations in the aftermath of regime changes, violent conflicts, wars, and other historical injustices that were derivatives of gross

The Tocqueville Option: Social and Technological Decentralization (Engage the Speaker AU2021)

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Engage the Speaker Session for “The Tocqueville Option: Social and Technological Decentralization” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. This lecture addresses Alexis de Tocqueville’s concerns about individualism and centralization in democratic life, and argues that part of our response to the cultural challenges of today is to build revitalize civil society with new associations and mutual

Social Responsibility of Business

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Milton Friedman famously argued that the sole social responsibility of business was to create value for shareholders. This view was the predominant view for decades. In 2019, the Business Roundtable made headlines, by adopting a stakeholder capitalism model, which calls on businesses to look beyond profit maximization, and to consider other business constituents, such as

The Tocqueville Option: Social and Technological Decentralization

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This lecture addresses Alexis de Tocqueville’s concerns about individualism and centralization in democratic life, and argues that part of our response to the cultural challenges of today is to build revitalize civil society with new associations and mutual aid societies. It also looks at the possible role that distributed ledger technology/blockchain could play in promoting

Transitional Justice: Civil-Society Solutions For America’s Race History – Engage the Speaker

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Transitional justice is a set of measures and processes adopted to deal with the consequences of human dignity violations in the aftermath of regime changes, violent conflicts, wars, and other historical injustices that were derivatives of gross violations for the rule of law. Transitional justice is what we needed to pursue after the Civil Rights

Transitional Justice: Civil-Society Solutions For America’s Race History

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Transitional justice is a set of measures and processes adopted to deal with the consequences of human dignity violations in the aftermath of regime changes, violent conflicts, wars, and other historical injustices that were derivatives of gross violations for the rule of law. Transitional justice is what we needed to pursue after the Civil Rights