Poverty | Acton On-Demand

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What Does Christianity Have To Offer The Poor?

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On Thursday, June 22 2017, the Acton Institute presented a panel discussion on the topic of what Christianity has to offer the poor. Panelists included Michael Wear, founder of Public Square Strategies LLC; Anne Rathbone Bradley, Vice President of Economic Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics; Elizabeth Bruenig, Assistant Editor of the

True Compassion: Case Studies in Effective Work with the Poor (Engage the Speaker AU2021)

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Engage the Speaker Session for “True Compassion: Case Studies in Effective Work with the Poor” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. Concern for the poor is an essential part of being a Christian. Yet, Christians often don’t know how to effectively engage people who are in poverty, often coming from social and ethnic backgrounds very different

Entrepreneurship in Africa

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Africa faces many challenges, such as COVID-19, lack of vaccines, and the rise of China and its influences. However, one of the biggest opportunities in Africa is the chance to craft solutions locally. There are brilliant minds in Africa, and the biggest challenge is engaging them to solve problems in Africa. Similarly, the young population

Doing Well and Doing Good

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As Christians, we are called to treat the poor with compassion. One revolution in this field is social impact investing, which involves using businesses to address poverty and other issues. In this lecture, Dr. Tan discusses examples of how he has used social impact investing to do well while also doing good in the world.

The Triumph of Population Growth

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Environmental alarmists often repeat the Malthusian warning that human population growth is harmful to the planet and is unsustainable. In contrast, economists are often a bit more optimistic about human population growth. This course examines the relationship between population growth and prosperity, as well as how Austrian and other pro-population economists engaged Malthusian arguments.

The Triumph of Population Growth – Engage the Speaker

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Environmental alarmists often repeat the Malthusian warning that human population growth is harmful to the planet and is unsustainable. In contrast, economists are often a bit more optimistic about human population growth. This course examines the relationship between population growth and prosperity, as well as how Austrian and other pro-population economists engaged Malthusian arguments.

Hope for the Inner City

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American inner cities have been plagued by a set of problems that seem intractable. As we study inner-city life we are often confronted with the same questions: What is poverty? How can we attend it? Are these the right questions to ask regarding the condition of poverty? We will explore these questions with both an

Purpose Built Communities

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How does holistic community revitalization work? What does it require? Tackling such complex, deeply-rooted issues as intergenerational poverty, unsafe environments, high crime, and failing schools presents many challenges. One solution- and the basis for the Purpose Built Communities model—is a coordinated holistic approach based on quality and focused on sustainability.

Poverty in America

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Robert Doar explores the history and future trajectory of welfare policy in America. Weaving together personal anecdotes and statistical insights, he explains the significant progress that has been made to alleviate poverty in past decades. At the same time, he maps out many of the obstacles still standing in the way of further advances. Developed