Theology of Work

Explore the world of work, creativity and exchange through a farmer and winemaker as they show how cultivation tames nature into economic productivity. *** Volume 1 of The Good Society is a 6-part series that that focuses on the intersection between the human person and economics and explores themes of work and creativity, entrepreneurship, and …
Engage the Speaker Session for “Theology of Work” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. In this session, we will explore the biblical and theological foundations for how we view our work in God’s economy. We will argue that work has intrinsic value and nobility because of its connection to the dominion mandate in Genesis and how …
An educated citizenry is fundamental to securing a free and flourishing society. Innovation, technology, and entrepreneurial endeavors are transforming education in many ways. This panel examines common myths about learning and the provision of education, highlights the great entrepreneurial efforts to improve its quality and accessibility, and explores what the future holds in providing an …
In fields like hair braiding and flower arranging, occupational licensing requirements frequently stand in the way of people seeking to serve others and advance their station in life. In this session, Shoshana Weissmann (R Street Institute) and Isis Brantley (activist and founder of Institute of Ancestral Braiding) will discuss the problem of unreasonable occupational licensing …
Young adults who put marriage first are more likely to find themselves in the middle or upper third of the income distribution, compared to their peers who have not formed a family and especially compared to their peers who have children before marrying.,” according to research conducted by the American Enterprise Institute. Paul Edwards is …
Questions of technology and its role in the future of work are increasingly dominating the headlines. Will technological innovation help or hinder humans in their quest for meaningful lives? Join this panel as noted Oxford economic historian Carl Benedikt Frey and professor Jay Richards discuss several pivotal questions regarding technology, poverty, and the future of …
Economists use a variety of tools to evaluate poverty and propose policy responses—typically with mixed results. In this interview, join award-winning EconTalk Podcast founder Russ Roberts as he reflects upon topics such as how the economics profession has addressed poverty, the importance of work as a means of fulfillment, and the virtue of charity as …
Somewhere within every man lies a great ambition — to achieve immortality. Businessmen, often the most driven among us, seek to build and create great institutions and legacies that will last far beyond their time on this mortal coil. In this talk, Frank Hanna reminds his fellow businessmen that immortality can only be achieved through …
In this session, we will explore the biblical and theological foundations for how we view our work in God’s economy. We will argue that work has intrinsic value and nobility because of its connection to the dominion mandate in Genesis and how the NT describes work as part of someone’s service to Christ. We will …
In this session, we will explore the biblical and theological foundations for how we view our work in God’s economy. We will argue that work has intrinsic value and nobility because of its connection to the dominion mandate in Genesis and how the NT describes work as part of someone’s service to Christ. We will …