Human Dignity | Acton On-Demand

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Human Dignity

Mrs. Schneider

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In 1950s Brooklyn, a young boy’s idyllic childhood is changed after a simple interaction with his Jewish neighbor. *** Volume 1 of The Good Society is a 6-part series that that focuses on the intersection between the human person and economics and explores themes of work and creativity, entrepreneurship, and exchange. Each human person is

Artificial Intelligence, Religion, and Anthropology

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning brings great promise. But what is artificial intelligence, and how does machine learning differ from human learning? How does religious faith inform our approach to artificial intelligence? What are we to make of transhumanist claims of a merger of humans and machines? This panel examines AI, religion, and anthropology.

Poverty & Human Agency

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This panel on “Poverty and Human Agency” features a conversation with Marlo Fox, Executive Director of Think Tank Inc., and Maurico Miller, Executive Director of the Community Independence Initiative. We explore questions of the nature of poverty and the necessity of placing human agency at the center of thinking about solutions to poverty. The importance

Removing Obstacles: Occupational Licensing

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In fields like hair braiding and flower arranging, occupational licensing requirements frequently stand in the way of people seeking to serve others and advance their station in life. In this session, Shoshana Weissmann (R Street Institute) and Isis Brantley (activist and founder of Institute of Ancestral Braiding) will discuss the problem of unreasonable occupational licensing

Reducing Poverty: The Importance of Community

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Strong local communities and the institutions that support them have long been the bedrock of society. Increasingly these institutions are weakening and this leads to significant long term consequences. Join author and columnist Tim Carney and non-profit leader Lucan Rouggly as they discuss the importance of strong communities in the fight against poverty, alienation and

Addressing Poverty: Foundational Principles

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How should we think about poverty and prosperity? What are the foundational principles that enable individuals, families, and communities to flourish and create prosperity in their own communities? Ismael Hernandez and Peter Greer discuss the challenge of poverty in the US and internationally and the most effective ways to think about poverty in light of

The Triumph of Population Growth – Engage the Speaker

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Environmental alarmists often repeat the Malthusian warning that human population growth is harmful to the planet and is unsustainable. In contrast, economists are often a bit more optimistic about human population growth. This course examines the relationship between population growth and prosperity, as well as how Austrian and other pro-population economists engaged Malthusian arguments.

Taking Advantage of Freedom: Solzhenitsyn on What to Do with Liberty When You Have It – Engage the Speaker

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While political, economic, and intellectual freedom is a precious gift to humans, our long history shows that we are ready to give it away. Why is that? One answer might be given from the Nobel-Prize-winning Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008): when people don’t understand and use the freedom they have, they will throw it away

Taking Advantage of Freedom: Solzhenitsyn on What to Do w/Liberty When You Have It

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While political, economic, and intellectual freedom is a precious gift to humans, our long history shows that we are ready to give it away. Why is that? One answer might be given from the Nobel-Prize-winning Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008): when people don’t understand and use the freedom they have, they will throw it away

The Birth of Freedom Curriculum: Session 1 – A Civilization without Slaves

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Did you know that the opponents of Christianity have—for centuries—controlled the very terms by which we understand the history of Christianity, arguing that Christianity hobbled the Roman Empire, snuffed out scientific progress, and threw the world into the Dark Ages? Many people don’t even give Christianity a hearing because they think, “Why would I want