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Culture, Education, and Freedom (Engage the Speaker AU2021)

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Engage the Speaker Session for “Culture, Education, and Freedom” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. Understanding the philosophical and theological underpinnings of many of today’s educational institutions and culture is crucial to building new educational ventures that support human freedom in all its dimensions. Although much has been written about ideological influences in education that undermine

Entrepreneurship in Africa

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Africa faces many challenges, such as COVID-19, lack of vaccines, and the rise of China and its influences. However, one of the biggest opportunities in Africa is the chance to craft solutions locally. There are brilliant minds in Africa, and the biggest challenge is engaging them to solve problems in Africa. Similarly, the young population

Culture, Education, and Freedom – Engage the Speaker

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Engage the Speaker session for “Culture, Education, and Freedom” Understanding the philosophical and theological underpinnings of many of today’s educational institutions and culture is crucial to building new educational ventures that support human freedom in all its dimensions. Although much has been written about ideological influences in education that undermine commitments to human freedom grounded

Culture, Education, and Freedom

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Understanding the philosophical and theological underpinnings of many of today’s educational institutions and culture is crucial to building new educational ventures that support human freedom in all its dimensions. Although much has been written about ideological influences in education that undermine commitments to human freedom grounded in classical Greek and Judeo-Christian anthropology, less has been

Christian Roots of Innovation in Science and Technology – Engage the Speaker

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Engage the Speaker session for “Christian Roots of Innovation in Science and Technology” The science-technology sector is often seen as a very secular sector of human work, in part because the “warfare thesis” of longstanding and essential enmity between Christian faith and the scientific enterprise is still widely assumed today (e.g. in the popular 2014

Suicide of the West

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In the great span of human history we are living in the lowest rates of poverty. Over the past 10,000 years humans have materially prospered beyond the scope of that thought to be possible. However, our civilization and environment forms us, and left to our own devices we revert back to barbarianism. Jonah Goldberg explains

Purpose Built Communities

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How does holistic community revitalization work? What does it require? Tackling such complex, deeply-rooted issues as intergenerational poverty, unsafe environments, high crime, and failing schools presents many challenges. One solution- and the basis for the Purpose Built Communities model—is a coordinated holistic approach based on quality and focused on sustainability.

The Hard Work of Leisure

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Protestant evangelicals are one of the largest and most influential groups in the United States. Evangelicals are known for participating in international adoptions, volunteering in local churches and a host of philanthropic organizations, and mostly for political activism. Despite all of these activities, evangelicals have not changed American culture. Seth Bartee will offer an explanation

Bringing America Together

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Politicians and pundits are struggling to understand this populist moment. Are a shrinking workforce and a contemptuous, divided culture simply America’s “new normal”? Is free enterprise fundamentally at odds with defending the national interest? Arthur Brooks draws on history and social science to explain these unusual times – and offers a set of strategies, from

The Conservative Heart

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In “The Conservative Heart,” Arthur C. Brooks, the prominent economist and president of AEI — the leading intellectual think tank on the right — offers a bold new vision for conservatism as a movement for social and economic justice. Brooks contends that after years of focusing on economic growth and traditional social values, it is

Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times

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We live in dark times. Christians wonder: Are the best days of the Christian faith behind us? Has modernity made Christian thought irrelevant and impotent? Is society beyond all hope of redemption and renewal? In Renaissance, Os Guinness declares no. Throughout history, the Christian faith has transformed entire cultures and civilizations, building cathedrals and universities,