Entrepreneurship | Acton On-Demand

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Cultural Entrepreneurship

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Why does the West prosper while nations in Africa and other parts of the globe remain poor? A country’s economic success is correlated with its ranking on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index. Unsurprisingly, the United States ranks highly on this index, while most nations in Sub-Saharan Africa impose tremendous restrictions on their

The Impact of Entrepreneurship

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Entrepreneurship has an impact that goes far beyond business itself. In this episode of The Good Society series, you’ll meet Dato Kim Tan, the entrepreneur behind Kuzuko Lodge, an ecotourism resort that has brought new life to a community and rehabilitated its land. Through his efforts, Kuzuko Lodge has created jobs, become a leader in

What is an Entrepreneur?

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What is an entrepreneur? How does the journey to creating your own business begin? Are there certain qualities that help entrepreneurs bring their dreams into reality? And how does this all connect to human flourishing? In this episode of The Good Society series, successful entrepreneurs, economists, and business professors share both their insights and their

Building a Business

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A Colorado ski maker demonstrates how risk-taking entrepreneurs and investors help build businesses, stability, and opportunity in the communities in which they live and work. *** Volume 1 of The Good Society is a 6-part series that that focuses on the intersection between the human person and economics and explores themes of work and creativity,

The Fire of Invention: Intellectual Property and the Power of Human Beings (Engage the Speaker AU2021)

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Engage the Speaker Session for “The Fire of Invention: Intellectual Property and the Power of Human Beings” (AU2021). Original Lecture description below. In the realm of invention and technology, what makes the difference between good and evil, prosperity and destruction, is not the material world itself but the way in which humans exercise our rational,

Business, Government, and Economic Progress

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Public policy often shapes markets—for good or for ill. Today many are convinced that much of economic progress is attributable to the raw innovation of the private sector in a free market economy. Others claim an entrepreneurial state is essential to an innovative economy. What are we to make of state-private sector collaboration? Is it

Social Responsibility of Business

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Milton Friedman famously argued that the sole social responsibility of business was to create value for shareholders. This view was the predominant view for decades. In 2019, the Business Roundtable made headlines, by adopting a stakeholder capitalism model, which calls on businesses to look beyond profit maximization, and to consider other business constituents, such as

Education and Entrepreneurial Disruption

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An educated citizenry is fundamental to securing a free and flourishing society. Innovation, technology, and entrepreneurial endeavors are transforming education in many ways. This panel examines common myths about learning and the provision of education, highlights the great entrepreneurial efforts to improve its quality and accessibility, and explores what the future holds in providing an

Law, Liberty, and Space

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For decades, the race to space was the domain of the state. Today space is rapidly becoming commercialized, opening vast opportunities for entrepreneurs. The commercialization of space also brings challenges. This panel celebrates the role of the new space entrepreneurs and discusses the legal and philosophical principles which should underlie humanity’s shift from space exploration

Brasil Paralelo – Entrepreneurship for the Common Good

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Entertainment is an important indicator of cultural values; by looking at what the culture loves, one can deduce what principles it values. However, according to Henrique Viana, Felipe Valerin, and Lucas Ferrugem, Founders of Brasil Paralelo, entertainment can also shape a society’s culture. At Brasil Paralelo, they are working change prevailing cultural winds and point

Entrepreneurship in Africa

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Africa faces many challenges, such as COVID-19, lack of vaccines, and the rise of China and its influences. However, one of the biggest opportunities in Africa is the chance to craft solutions locally. There are brilliant minds in Africa, and the biggest challenge is engaging them to solve problems in Africa. Similarly, the young population

Poverty & Human Agency

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This panel on “Poverty and Human Agency” features a conversation with Marlo Fox, Executive Director of Think Tank Inc., and Maurico Miller, Executive Director of the Community Independence Initiative. We explore questions of the nature of poverty and the necessity of placing human agency at the center of thinking about solutions to poverty. The importance

Removing Obstacles: Occupational Licensing

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In fields like hair braiding and flower arranging, occupational licensing requirements frequently stand in the way of people seeking to serve others and advance their station in life. In this session, Shoshana Weissmann (R Street Institute) and Isis Brantley (activist and founder of Institute of Ancestral Braiding) will discuss the problem of unreasonable occupational licensing

Business Matters 2021 – What is the Purpose of Business?

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Milton Friedman famously argued that the sole social responsibility of business was to create value for shareholders. This view was the predominant view for decades. In 2019, the Business Roundtable made headlines, by adopting a stakeholder capitalism model, which calls on businesses to look beyond profit maximization, and to consider other business constituents, such as

Business Matters 2021 – Doing Business in a Pandemic


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In 2019, Ezequiel Vazquez-Ger’s restaurant, Seven Reasons, was named the best restaurant in the Americas by Esquire. Hear the story of how he entered the restaurant business. He grew his business and even opened a second restaurant during the pandemic. Leaders in every industry can learn from his story of creativity, passion, and adaptation.

Doing Well and Doing Good

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As Christians, we are called to treat the poor with compassion. One revolution in this field is social impact investing, which involves using businesses to address poverty and other issues. In this lecture, Dr. Tan discusses examples of how he has used social impact investing to do well while also doing good in the world.

Work as a Calling

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Does God care about my work? Oye Waddell looks into the biblical examples of work and calling and practically promotes those ideas to further the kingdom. Waddell explains how our work can serve others and contribute to human flourishing in a God honoring way.

Theology of Work

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In this session, we will explore the biblical and theological foundations for how we view our work in God’s economy. We will argue that work has intrinsic value and nobility because of its connection to the dominion mandate in Genesis and how the NT describes work as part of someone’s service to Christ. We will

Uber and the Social Good

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Who benefits from ride-sharing services like Uber? Certainly the drivers and riders benefit. But are there benefits that accrue to society more generally when such smart-phone driven services enter a city for the first time? And how much government oversight is necessary to protect riders? The talk will comment on how these findings apply in

Uncle Sam Can’t Count

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Why does federal aid seem to have a reverse Midas touch? Drawing on examples from the nation’s past and present—the fur trade to railroads, cars and chemicals, aviation to Solyndra—Uncle Sam Can’t Count, a sweeping work of conservative economic history that explains why the federal government cannot and should not pick winners and losers in